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D.C. 酒吧年度大奖

D.C. 酒吧 has selected the winners of its 2024 Annual 奖 honoring individuals and organizations whose outstanding work and exceptional projects benefited 酒吧 membership, 丰富了法律界, 扩大了诉诸司法的渠道. The following awardees made important contributions to the advancement of the legal profession and provided critical assistance to the District’s most vulnerable populations.

弗雷德里克·B. 艾布拉姆森奖

2024年1月,D.C. 上诉法院通过 全面的修改 《哥伦比亚特区欧洲杯投注赔率管理条例, marking the first time the 规则 have been updated since the 酒吧’s founding. Work on the amendments, which began in 2020 and spanned the terms of three D.C. 由Mark A. 当时的民主党主席萨尔茨伯格.C. 欧洲杯投注赔率公会规例/规则/董事会程序委员会(现为欧洲杯投注赔率公会委员会).C. 大欧洲杯投注赔率公会管治委员会). Salzberg’s leadership was crucial in completing a multilayer review of the 规则 as well as the 酒吧’s Bylaws, 确保D.C. 酒吧 staff, the 董事会 of Governors, and ultimately the Court of Appeals.

将建议的修正案送交法院, the 董事会 of Governors stated that the “amendments to the 规则 will make it easier for D.C. 酒吧 members to locate applicable rules and requirements regarding their membership and other procedures related to the 董事会 and the 酒吧. These changes will also afford the 酒吧 and the 董事会 some flexibility in addressing basic governance issues, 组织的担忧, as well as administrative and other matters related to membership.”

D.C. 酒吧环境,能源和自然资源协会

环境, Energy and Natural Resources (EENR) Community consistently delivers outstanding programs that include podcasts, 在线研讨会, 和午餐学习研讨会,以确保D.C. 欧洲杯投注赔率协会成员可以获得有关主要问题的信息. The EENR Community has established ongoing partnerships with various affinity groups, including the Native American 酒吧 Association and the Women’s 酒吧 Association, to engage area law students interested in environmental and energy regulatory law practices at a time when legal expertise is needed to accelerate the transition to a net-zero emissions economy.


去年, the 哥伦比亚特区LGBTQ+欧洲杯投注赔率协会 reemerged in full force after a period of dormancy, 很大程度上是因为大流行. 2023年,该组织的成员数量翻了一番, 举办了创纪录数量的社交和教育活动, increased partnerships across the District and national legal communities, 欧洲杯app下载提供暑期实习奖学金, 并举办了一年一度的骄傲招待会.

“We also sought new ways to recognize more experienced members of our community who had lost touch with our bar and its work, such as hosting regular networking receptions and marquee events to reenergize those individuals and educate them about how they can reengage with the bar,乔希·莫吉尔说, 该协会的前任主席. Mogil also reported record turnout during the association’s most recent board elections.

阿金·甘普·施特劳斯·豪尔 & 菲尔德欧洲杯投注赔率事务所

2023年,阿金·阿甘饰演的D.C.美国欧洲杯投注赔率共贡献了21份,766小时无偿服务, 有14,488小时致力于代表D.C. 个人和家庭,4133小时协助.C. 非营利组织,和612小时帮助D.C. 小型、弱势企业.

The firm devotes significant pro bono energy to criminal justice and sentencing reform, 住房权, 以及庇护和人权保护. It has also partnered with the 华盛顿欧洲杯投注赔率s’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs to run the D.C. Compassionate Release Clearinghouse in response to legislation passed by D.C. 2020年理事会. 自2016年以来.S. 最高法院判决 蒙哥马利v. 路易斯安那州, 阿金·阿甘的欧洲杯投注赔率已经花费了超过8年的时间,000 hours representing clients previously sentenced as juveniles to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

劳拉·N. 年度最佳公益欧洲杯投注赔率
约翰·E. 小麦卡锡.

Specializing in government contracts as a partner at Crowell & 莫宁欧洲杯投注赔率事务所,小约翰·麦卡锡. dedicated more than 325 pro bono hours in 2023 to four custody cases, 其中三起涉及多次听证会. He also directed his pro bono legal expertise to full-day pro se clinics, 克罗威尔主持, 埃森哲咨询公司, 和路德社会服务, to help two Afghan clients seeking direct representation for their 庇护 cases.

在过去的15年里, McCarthy has logged more than 100 pro bono hours each year to represent low-income clients in cases involving child custody, 驱逐国防, 庇护, 家庭暴力, 退伍军人的福利也很重要. He is a driving force behind his firm’s Public Service Committee and serves on the Catholic Charities Legal Network Advisory Council and the board of Legal Aid DC.

获奖者将在D.C. 6月20日举行的酒吧领导力庆祝活动. The 酒吧 will also present its 2024 Thurgood Marshall 奖 to 约翰Brittain, a professor at the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law, and its Beatrice Rosenberg 奖 for Excellence in Government Service to 保罗米. 现, assistant general counsel for international and aviation-economic law at the U.S. 运输部.




D.C. 法院寻求有限法律服务提供者的意见

为了帮助缓解诉诸司法方面的差距,D.C. 法院’ Civil Legal Regulatory Reform Task Force is investigating a new approach — allowing people who are not lawyers, 但谁有足够的资格和培训, to provide limited legal services in certain areas of the law where there are high rates of pro se litigants (such as family, 住房, 消费者, 和遗嘱认证法).



D.C. 高等法院对动议发出命令

On September 30 the Superior Court for the District of Columbia issued Administrative Order 24-15 on motion ripe dates and performance standard measures.
